deploying a “one line of code”. What are the exact steps to deploy this?
The "one line of code" is a simple script to implement for each domain/sub-domain you want to evaluate. The script should be embedded in the beginning of the <head> section of the master page of each application and contain an "async" attribute to ...
Is the Accessibility Overlay hosted on-premise by your company or can it be hosted on an ELC server? If it needs to be hosted on-premise is it hosted via Cloud or on a physical company server?
The main activity is by using our SaaS environment. We do support On-Premise but as Microsoft partners we prefer the customer to use Microsoft Azure private cloud if available.
Is there any kind of security considerations that need to be known to us such as will the Accessibility Overlay be collecting or using ELC data in any way?
the Allyable accessibility tool is running on the client browser and such as is most secured. We hold ISO27001 Information Security Certificate and GDPR compliant. The extracted data we upload to the backend are only accessibility violations and only ...
Is the Accessibility Overlay icon seen and used by customers on the site going to be fully customizable in regard to the actual icon, shape, position on site, size, and color?
The accessibility overlay implements an icon and an end-user menu automatically. The icon and the menu are customizable by the customer branding, different icon, location, visibility and by the options of the end-user menu.
Is there an icon for the Accessibility Overlay that will be viewable on the site? If so, is the icon going to be viewable on the site at all times?
The accessibility overlay implements an icon and an end-user menu automatically. The visibility can be changed easily using the backend dashboard.
What kind of required hard-code development is needed to add the Accessibility Overlay to a site for customers to use it?
Each license requires a secured single line of code to embed in the website. Just like google analytics once this script is embedded every visited page is being scanned, monitored and violations are logged in the backend.
Is there a way to change/alter the modification options on the Accessibility Overlay provided to customers on the site without having to hard-code anything for it?
All the modifications are part of the accessibility overlay. We provide simple wizards and code editors in our backend for easy remediation.
Can the modifications selected by customers via the Accessibility Overlay be done without the need of our developers having to hard-code anything for it?
All the modifications are part of the accessibility overlay, nothing is changed in the source code.
What are all the modification options that are offered via the Accessibility Overlay. What are the limitations being areas of a site that cannot be fixed with the Accessibility Overlay?
The accessibility engine knows how to identify accessibility violations by using WCAG guidelines. if technology allows, violations will be identified accordingly. There are limitations such as technology which prevent identifying specific violations. ...
Would accessibility scanner such as “Allyable” identify the Accessibility Overlay modifications to the site showing that the site is now more accessible?
Yes. Allyable accessibility is applied as a virtual layer on top of the website code, meaning once the website is loaded the accessibility modifications are already applied. Other tools will rank it higher as well as google SEO ranking